Types of Cases

Medical and Nursing Malpractice Cases

These cases can occur when professional negligence results from failure to perform medical duties, which harms a patient, or neglect of a healthcare facility.

General Personal Injury Cases

These are nonprofessional negligence cases, such as:

  • Auto accident cases
  • Aviation cases
  • Theme park cases
  • Liquor liability cases
  • Premises liability cases (e.g., slip and fall, sexual assault or physical assault cases)
  • Railroad or Maritime cases
  • Sports injury cases
  • Toxic mold cases
  • Water accident cases
  • Dog bite cases

Products Liability Cases

These are cases that involve the liability of manufacturers and sellers of a product to buyers and/or users who allege that the product caused injury and was defective. Such cases may include:

Medical device and drug-related cases, such as:

  • Accutane
  • Avandia®
  • Bextra®
  • Birth control pills
  • Botox®
  • Celebrex®
  • Hormone therapy
  • Fosamax®
  • Vioxx®
  • Ephedrine
  • Oxycontin®
  • Dilantin®
  • IVC filters
  • IV pumps
  • Heart valves
  • Power morcellators
  • Transvaginal mesh
  • Hip implants (all metal)
  • Implantable defibrillators
  • Pacemakers
  • Industrial-grade silicone breast implants
  • Ventilators

Nonmedical device cases, such as:

  • Food
  • Cigarettes and lighters
  • Children’s toys and kids products
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Motor vehicles, automobiles, and auto parts
  • Household products
  • Consumer products (e.g., home appliances)
  • Personal care products
  • Industrial products

Toxic Torts and Environmental Cases

These cases involve the alleged damages or injuries resulting from the release of toxins into the air and environment, such as:

  • Waste products from manufacturing processes
  • Electromagnetic fields (e.g., against a utility company)
  • Radiation contamination
  • Hazardous chemicals in a workplace
  • Pesticides
  • Waste management and disposal
  • Oil spills
  • Sick building syndrome
  • Lead poisoning

Workers’ Compensation and Workplace Injury Cases

These cases involve job-related injuries or sicknesses that occur from a work-related cause during the course of employment, such as:

  • Auto accidents
  • Back injuries
  • Equipment and machinery related injuries
  • Cumulative work-related trauma disorders
  • Injuries caused by a striking object while on the job

Criminal Cases

These cases involve any act that is deemed harmful to society and violates the peace and civility of a community, such as:

  • DWI – Driving while intoxicated / DUI – Driving under the influence cases
  • Criminal cases against individual providers and facilities
  • Sexual and physical assault cases
  • Child, spouse, or elderly abuse cases
  • Criminal environmental cases
  • Medicaid and Medicare fraud abuse cases
  • Psychiatric defenses and psychiatric issues
  • Possession of narcotics cases
  • Excessive use of force by law enforcement cases
  • Victims of a violent crime cases

Any Case Where Health, Illness or Injury Is an Issue

These cases involve health and well being medical-related issues, such as:

  • Family law
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Social Security benefit issues
  • Medicare benefit issues
  • School health
  • Employer-employee relationships
  • Sexual harassment
  • Probate law
  • Right to die
  • Physician-facility relationships
  • Psychiatrist or therapist abuse or injury
  • Insurance issues
  • Family Leave Act
  • Wrongful adoption
  • Bad faith litigation against insurance companies for failure to pay or denial to access to care
  • Healthcare professional board disciplinary actions
  • Excessive use of force by law enforcement cases